Wachow. I'm barely on twitter anymore.5:37 PM Jul 3rd from web # @coconnie I know that book. X]8:12 PM Jun 30th from web # I GET TO SEE ASHLEY MONDAY! :D :D ::D :DJ:LKS: DLK:D oh, goodness.5:07 PM Jun 24th from web .... @mypaperwings BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. that's pooey. imagine if we went on vacation apart from each other where there was no internet D:9:21 AM Jun 8th from web # @mypaperwings and i can't really text cause mother wants me to play with santi & isa all ...
did you go on any vacations? shure, lots! would you change anything about yourself now? YES. I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT. 2008 WRAP UP: was 2008 a good year? it was so-so. extremes siya eh. like the beginning was super drama and tiring, ...
Otrzymałam potwierdzenie rezerwacji naszego hotelu stąd bardzo się zdziwiliśmy gdy pan kierowca zajechał pod wejście 5 gwiazdkowego Hotelu Pullman twierdząc, ze to jest nasz hotel gdyż taką informację otrzymał od szefa transportu. ...